Monday, March 16, 2009

Submissions Welcome

Recently I was casually browsing through my cd collection and stumbled upon an oldie but a goody and then I realized how truly amazing this album was.  When it came out I was a bit suspect at its immediate notoriety as a "best hits" album since the group had only had 2 studio albums at the time but I became an even bigger fan of the album once this double live was released.  I have bought no other studio albums by this band in 11 years but this album still remains a favorite of all time.  As I sat and really re listened to favorites such as "Anna Begins" and "Round Here" I was struck by how awesome the lyrics were.  When given more than just a radio play listen, there is much to gleam as to the depth of Counting Crows lyrics and musical genius.  I began to think of this album as starting what I'd like to think of as the top 10 of all time.  I hesitate to place this type of label on albums because it ultimately doesn't leave room for upcoming albums but I do think that this one has earned it spot.  So, without ado, here you are:

(not in a particular order)
1.  Counting Crows: Across a Wire (Double Live CD- 1998)
2.  Sarah McLachlan: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (1993)

What are your ideas.....?  I'm happy to fill in the rest but am curious what comes to mind.

Here are a few other ideas....votes: (I have reasons for each of these but I'm curious if you vote what you reasons might be!)

The Beatles: Revolver or Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
Coldplay: Rush of Blood to the Head
Dave Matthews: Crash
Dixie Chicks: Home
Eva Cassidy: Songbird
Elton John: Honky Chateau
JET: Shine On
U2: Achtung Baby

(just to name a few).

And, I hope it goes without saying, if you don't already own the Counting Crows album, you should have already clicked itunes and started downloading it.

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